Maximizing Your Return On Investment On Business For Sale

You've found a business that looks promising. It has good earnings, and a solid reputation, and is located in an area where you know there's strong demand for its products or services. You might not be an expert in the industry, but you're sure Business For Sale Tauranga will make a great investment. So what's next?

Do Your Research

There are a few things you should do before you purchase a business. First, research the market and know what other similar businesses are selling for. This will help you determine if you are paying too much or getting a good deal. Next, research the seller of the business; find out why they want to sell it now and what their motivation is for selling at this time (i.e., financial hardship or retirement).

You'll also want to review financial statements for at least three years so that you can see how well or poorly it has performed over time--and determine if there have been any significant changes in profitability over those years as well as whether there were any unusual expenses during periods when profits were high versus low.

Know Your Needs and Wants

Before you start on your solution, it's important to define the problem. What is it that you want? Do you want to own a business or make more money? If so, what kind of business and how much money? When I was younger (and less wise), I thought that owning an online fitness site would be cool because it would allow me to work from home and spend more time with my family. These were good goals--but they weren't specific enough for me to know exactly where I needed help or get started making them happen.

  • Define what success looks like--how will this change my life in terms of finances, career satisfaction, etc.?
  • Be ambitious but realistic; don't worry about what other people's goals are

Find a Good Business Broker

When you are ready to start looking for a business broker, you should make sure that they have experience selling businesses like yours. It's also important for them to be familiar with the industry and area where your business is located.

A good rule of thumb is that if they don't know a lot about your type of business or industry, then they probably won't be able to help as much as someone who does know what they're doing!

Understand the Seller's Motivations

You should also be asking yourself: why is this small business for sale? What are the seller's motivations for selling, and how long have they been in business?

  • Is it because the owner wants to move on to another venture or retire? If so, what does their future look like after selling this company?
  • Are there other investments or opportunities that would be more appealing than continuing with the daily grind of running a small business (especially if they've been doing so for many years)?


Our hope is that this article has helped you understand the different ways you can go about finding a Business For Sale in Tauranga and how to maximize your return on investment. Remember, even if it doesn't seem like it now - there is always something positive in every situation!